Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Starting this madness

     I'm not sure why i feel the need to blog but here i am. Wanting to chronicle my family's adventures, challenges and just our life in general. I am a pagan mother with a half korean/half white son who is nearly 1. I figured out awhile back that the blogs that related to our parenting and lifestyle choices were majorly christian and those that weren't had no religion in them noticeable.

   My husband, the korean Appa, and I knew before having children that we wanted to put all the extra effort into their schooling we could and for me that includes my beliefs.  For now we are trying to do a variety of things to encourage his growth that are Montessori, Waldorf, Doman, and trying to communicate in different languages. I only fluently speak English but I'm currently learning Korean and Sign Language. I also practice some Spanish with him but that is the least important to me til he is 4 or 5 then we'll focus on Spanish more. When he gets older(10+) I'd like for him to study another possibly or if we aren't using ASL to relearn that. I had also wanted to do the Suzuki ECE classes I've read about online but they aren't available in our area so we've allowed him to play with a floor drum and Appa(my husband)'s electric bass lays on the floor. It gets plugged in to the amp daily. We haven't agreed on his first instrument to learn to play yet though to start at 4 or 5. Appa wants him to play drums and start on a recorder. I'm more wanting the piano, guitar, or electric bass.

   How do I help him be the best he can be but not be the tiger mother I know i am? Well for one thing we aren't planning on sending him to public or private schools, homeschooling is what we are considering the best option unless we can find a charter school that will accept him and even then we very strongly feel that the education must continue in home just on a different priority of subjects. I don't know or believe i can make my child a very intelligent person but i can help them love learning and make it fun so that he'll be able to grow as much as possible. My problem other than everyone's normal concern about homeschool (socialization) is sports. I dearly want my kid to enjoy sports all through their education years and i know nothing about finding programs in the future years.

My primary challenge is staying on budget, keep social, lose weight, make my paintings and craft projects, keep the house clean, make my husband and son feel loved and well fed.

A Non Asian Omma

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